
No contracts!

Individual $150 plus tax per month

Couples $270 plus tax per month

Individual Adult Jiu Jitsu $150 plus tax per month

Individual Kid Jiu Jitsu $150 plus tax per month

Combination Classes- Individual CrossFit and Adult Jiu Jitsu $200 per month.

Cancellation Policy 

If you would like to cancel your membership, CrossFit Heights will need a written email notification two weeks prior to your account billing date or you will be charged for the following month. Please email written notification to cfheights@gmail.com

Drop in Rate of $20, Must Have CrossFit Experience

A One Time Free Saturday Trial Class @ 9:30 am

There is a 7.5% sales tax added to the above amounts



(Firemen, Police, Military)
10% Discount: for all monthly fee selections

(10%discount does not apply for a drop in)

Only one discount will apply-Military discount does not apply for couples cost.